McKinney Vento Act - Homeless Children and Youth

The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Subtitle B—Education for Homeless Children and Youth), reauthorized in January 2002, protects the educational rights of children and youths experiencing homelessness. The Act applies to all local educational agencies (LEAs) and includes a supplemental, competitive grant program of additional funding for LEAs.

The intent of the law is to make certain that homeless students have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education— including a public preschool education—that is provided to other students. Homeless students have the right to enroll in and attend school, participate fully in the school program, and have the opportunity to meet the same challenging academic achievement standards to which all students are held. The law requires every LEA to designate an appropriate staff member as a liaison for students in homeless situations. These liaisons are required to ensure that the rights of homeless children and youths are protected.


AB 1806- Pupil Services: High School Graduation Requirement Exemption (Effective: January 1, 2015)

This bill gives homeless youth the same rights and privileges that foster youth already receive in the education system. This includes graduating under state requirements (if they qualify), allowing them to receive partial credit for work they completed at schools they had to leave, and affording them appropriate representation through the expulsion process. Homeless minors have unique and differing situations that make it hard for them to graduate. AB 1806 will help them get through school, get their diploma and move on to the next phase of their life.

If you are a family in transition and need assistance please contact:

AUSD Homeless Children and Youth Liaisons:

Deb Brill — Executive Director of Student Services
(510) 558-3771; [email protected]
Felicia Lien — Enrollment Coordinator
(510) 559-6590; [email protected]


Alameda County Liaison:

Elizabeth Tarango — Program Manager

(510) 670-7750; [email protected]

State Coordinator:

Leanne Wheeler (866) 856-8214