Measures B and E Word Statements
Measure B 75 Word Statement:
To rebuild Marin and Ocean View elementary schools with seismically safe school facilities that support modern learning standards in subjects such as science, the humanities, engineering, and math; relieve overcrowding; enhance school safety, accessibility, sustainability, and energy efficiency; and improve other school facilities; shall Albany Unified School District issue $70 million of bonds at legal rates for the acquisition and improvement of land and facilities, with citizen oversight and all funds staying in Albany to benefit local schools?
Measure E 75 Word Statement:
To relieve Albany Middle School overcrowding, construct classrooms, science labs, and flexible learning spaces that meet seismic safety, and accessibility codes; replace old portables with modern classrooms; and acquire technology and equipment at all schools to support science, engineering, math, and the humanities; shall Albany Unified School District issue $25 million of bonds at legal rates, with independent oversight, no money for administrators’ salaries, and all funds benefitting Albany schools?