Superintendent's Community Update: April 2, 2021


April 2, 2021

Dear AUSD Community,

What A Week! Many Albany teachers and students met in-person for the first time this week as 1,083 elementary students returned to campus for modified full-day, five-day-a-week in-person instruction at our three elementary campuses. A happy Cornell third grader said, “I can actually talk to people and not just see them. It was easier to pay attention because it wasn’t just a small screen that I was looking at,  it was a whole person.” That sums up the exuberance and elation of students and parents as AUSD begins the process of returning to a more normal school life,  while also being cognizant of students remaining in remote learning with core teachers. We were so pleased to be able to offer both programs because All really means All in Albany, serving all kids.

AMS Hybrid begins next Monday, April 5

We look forward to welcoming many AMS students back to campus as they begin their four-day-a-week, split-day, hybrid instruction program. See the schedule here. All students will need to complete the Screener19 daily health monitor each day before arriving on campus. 

AHS Academy Program Begins Immediately After Spring Break, April 19

The AHS Academy Program will provide an opportunity for students to have two hours a week of in-person contact with their peers and teachers. The Academy maintains remote instruction for all regular classes, so teachers and classes can keep their momentum as we head to the end of the school year. See the schedule here

Caution Against Spring Break Travel —With the majority of AUSD students back in school, it is critically important that families maintain their vigilance against COVID-19 infection so that all classrooms can remain open. As we approach Spring Break, this is a top concern.  


COVID-19 infections remain common in the Bay Area and across California. Traveling increases your chance of infecting loved ones or getting infected and spreading the virus to others when you return. 


The latest California Department of Public Health travel guidelines (updated 04/01/21) advises that intra-state travel could exacerbate community spread within California —particularly because travel itself (especially the use of shared conveyances in air, bus, or rail travel) can increase a person's chance of spreading and getting COVID-19. Postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Points from the new guidance are summarized below.

  • Except in connection with essential travel, Californians should avoid non-essential travel outside of California, to other states or countries. Avoiding travel reduces the risk of virus transmission, including by reducing the risk that new sources of infection and, potentially, new virus strains will be introduced to California.
  • All travelers arriving in or returning to California from other states or countries should follow CDC travel guidance.
  • All travelers should get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before travel. You can find testing sites in Alameda County or throughout California
  • All travelers who test positive or develop symptoms of COVID-19 should isolate and follow public health recommendations.


I understand that this beautiful spring weather is hard to resist after being shut in for so long, but the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. While we have come a long way, we still need to follow CDC prevention guidelines. This way, our entire Albany community can continue to be safe. 


Stay hopeful and encouraged,

Frank Wells signature

Dr. Frank Wells

Superintendent of Schools

Albany Unified School District
