Strategic Plan » District Goals & Objectives 2023-2024

District Goals & Objectives 2023-2024

2023-2024 District Goals & Objectives
Approved by Board of Education September 12, 2023

Goal 1: Assess and Increase Academic Success
Provide a comprehensive educational experience with expanded opportunities for engagement, assessment, and academic growth.

Objective 1.1: Implement district-wide initiatives: Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Anti-racist/Culturally Responsive Teaching through professional development training.

Objective 1.2: Hire, train, and retain a diverse staff through the development of an articulated onboarding and retention plan for new teachers.

Objective 1.3: Oversee the process for responding to the recommendations brought from the Special Education Audit and Student Achievement Committee.

Objective 1.4: Define and implement a cycle of continuous improvement which will include using local and state assessment data to inform decisions about resources and practices, specifically related to closing the achievement gaps among our targeted groups: students with disabilities, English Language Learners, low-income, Latino/x and African-American students. 

Objective 1.5: Present to the Board an in-depth report on the historically disenfranchised groups and whether or not they are the same students year after year, or if they are new to AUSD. Provide information on data/results. 

Objective 1.6: Develop and roll out an Early Literacy Plan and Implementation Process.

Goal 2: Support the Whole Child

We will foster the social and emotional growth of all students, implement an array of strategies to increase student engagement, identify individual social-emotional and behavioral needs, and apply collaborative appropriate interventions through a multi-tiered system of support.

Objective 2.1: Build a plan using student voices to increase student engagement in order to promote positive relationships among students and staff. 

Objective 2.2: Continue to respond to recommendations from the Safety Task Force and the District-wide Safety Audit. 

Objective 2.3: Provide support for students’ physical, social and emotional needs, including the home-to-school connection.

Objective 2.4: Implement Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework for social emotional, social justice learning and support, utilizing the District’s Social Emotional Learning/Social Justice competencies.

Goal 3: Communicate and Lead Together
All stakeholders will collaborate and communicate about decisions that guide the sites and district, through effective district communications and responsiveness to the concerns and interests expressed by members of the community.

Objective 3.1: Continue to improve quality of communications at all levels (internal staff communications, school site communications, and community outreach).  

Objective 3.2: Increase availability of communications in multiple languages (reflecting data on preferred language) and communication methods (email, text, etc.).

Objective 3.3: Update and maintain the content and accuracy of the District and school websites.  

Objective 3.4: Increase outreach to and collaboration with stakeholders from historically disenfranchised communities in decision-making processes.

Goal 4: Financial Stability
Provide financial stability through the creation and utilization of a strategic process.

Objective 4.1: Create a campaign to educate the community on District revenue sources and how money is spent  

Objective 4.2: Implement a process through which the Board guides the District’s budget priorities 

Objective 4.3: Create a clear financial plan/budget for the Albany Aquatic Center

Objective 4.4: Create a clear financial plan/budget for the Albany Children’s Center.

Goal 5: Manage Facilities and Construction Effectively
Ensure that the District’s facility and construction projects are overseen effectively and are successfully utilized.

Objective 5.1: Manage all construction projects to ensure expeditious completion, adherence to budget, attention to stakeholder input, along with holding vendors financially accountable.

Objective 5.2: Reduce environmental impacts by creating more green school yards, shaded areas at school sites, and engaging in heat mitigation practices - in alignment with a future approved Environmental Action Plan.

Objective 5.3: Develop a long-term Facilities Needs Assessment Plan.