Our condolences go out to the victims and families of the recent tragedy in Connecticut (click here).

December 17, 2012

Albany Unified School District Staff, Families, & Community:

Our condolences go out to the victims and families of the recent tragedy in Connecticut.

To assist AUSD’s students cope with this tragedy, mental health professionals are available to speak with them. We are also providing the enclosed information to assist staff, families, and the community in talking with students about this difficult subject:

1. TIPS for Teachers Helping Children Cope in Times of Crisis
2. After the Trauma - Helping My Child Cope
3. Age Appropriate Tips for Helping After Disasters - Adolescents, School-Age, Preschool
4. Helping Children with Fear & Anxiety
5. Guidelines for Working with Traumatized Children

Additional resources are listed below:
1. Alameda County Crisis Support Services and Hotline: 1-800-309-2131 http://www.crisissupport.org/

2. CDE Resources for Coping with Tragedy: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/cp/tragedy.asp

In closing, this event reinforces the importance of school safety plans, and we want to assure families, staff, and the community that every AUSD school has an updated safety plan in place.


Marla Stephenson

Attached Files
