Kindergarten Information

Welcome to Kindergarten!
We look forward to working with you and
your student to make the first year of school
a positive learning experience.

Kindergarten Readiness

Here is a list of social, emotional, and academic skills that we have found to be important for a smooth start to kindergarten. 
Kindergartners should:
  • Be able to tell an adult their name, and find, read, and write their first name.
  • Be able to be left alone with a new group of people in a new place without being overly fearful or anxious.
  • Tell an adult when they need to use the restroom and be independent in using the restroom (turning on lights, cleaning self, flushing, and washing hands). 
  • Be independent in putting on their own clothing and shoes. 
  • Follow spoken directions.
  • Play with peers without being overly fearful or aggressive. 
  • Attend to and complete a simple assignment. 
  • Sit and attend during a teacher-directed activity for at least 5–10 minutes.
  • Ask for help when they need it.
  • Use pens, pencils, and scissors. 
  • Know that letters and numbers have meaning. (They should have natural exposure to letters and numbers from being regularly read to by caregivers.)
  • Be well-rested and ready to start the school day on time. 

Age Requirements

Children are eligible for Kindergarten at the beginning of a school year, or whenever they move into the district, if the child will have his or her 5th birthday on or before September 1. For more information, go to the California Department of Education website:
(Children turning four by September 1 are eligible to enroll in Transitional Kindergarten. For more information, please see Transitional Kindergarten Program.)

Locations & Tours

If you are interested in scheduling a school tour, please contact each site directly:

Before & After School Care

In addition to providing a preschool program, the Albany Children's Center coordinates the enrollment of students for before & after school care at Albany elementary schools. Space is limited. 
To enroll in AUSD childcare your student must first be pre-enrolled or enrolled in AUSD. You are then welcome to complete the Before & After School Care Application and submit it to Danielle Eichner at [email protected], or in person at 720 Jackson Street. Other local community organizations also provide after school care in the area. 
For information on the enrollment process, please click here