Interdistrict Permit Information
Renewing An Interdistrict Transfer Permit
Obtaining An Interdistrict Transfer Permit
To obtain an interdistrict permit, please visit your district of residence for their specific interdistrict permit. Your district of residence will need to approve the permit before it can be submitted to AUSD. Once we have received your permit, you will quickly receive a decision from AUSD and information on next steps to complete your enrollment.
Interdistrict permit requests are approved based on the following priorities:
* 1st Priority: Students whose parents/guardians are employees of the Albany Unified School District (must work a minimum of 10 hours per week).
* 2nd Priority: Students whose parents/guardians are employed by the City of Albany, (employed at least 10 hours per week).
* 3rd Priority: Students whose siblings are ongoing interdistrict transfer students; and to ensure educational continuity of students.
*4th Priority: Students who are grandchildren of individual(s) who live(s) within the boundaries of Albany Unified School District.
* 5th Priority: Students whose parents/guardians have been business owners/operators within the City of Albany for a period of at least 1 month prior to their application.
* 6th Priority: All other applicants.
If an interdistrict permit application is submitted to AUSD for the current school year (2023–24), families will be notified whether their application is approved or denied within 30 days.
If an interdistrict permit application is submitted to AUSD for the next (2024–25) school year, most families will be notified in writing before the start of the school year, however, some approvals will not be made until the first two weeks of the school year, after school is in session. We are required to first accommodate all District residents, and the number of available spaces are often not known until after school begins. Please be sure to enroll in your student in your district of residence as new enrollment in AUSD with an interdistrict permit is never guaranteed.
If an application for an interdistrict permit is denied, students will be placed on a waiting list. To remain on the waiting list, a new interdistrict permit application must be submitted each school year.
Questions: Email Student Services: [email protected]
Interdistrict Permits Out of Albany Unified School District
Students wishing to attend school outside of Albany Unified School District must complete the Interdistrict Transfer Application for Alameda County Schools found above and submit it to Albany Unified School District Enrollment Office (1216 Solano Ave, Albany, CA 94706) either by US Mail, by email, or in person.
Questions: Email Student Services: [email protected]