Enrollment Timeline

Check back in early January 2025 for an updated Timeline for the 2025–26 school year. 

Welcome to Albany Unified School District!

Sample School Year Enrollment Timeline 

Current Albany students do not need to re-enroll! Only new students who have never attended Albany Public Schools need to ENROLL. Parents/Guardians of continuing students will confirm their contact information before the start of a new school year. 

Elementary School Enrollment Timeline

(TK – 5th Grade)

Late January 


Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Information Night

(online webinar)

February 1 – March 31

Priority Enrollment for new TK – 5th grade students. Complete the online portion of the enrollment process on or after February 1. Enrollments completed (including the in-person appointment) during the priority enrollment period will be in the first round of school placements. 
ALL required immunizations must be completed prior to enrolling. 


Priority enrollment school assignment letters will be mailed in June.  All students enrolled outside of priority enrollment will be sent their school assignment letter AFTER priority enrollment letters are sent. 


Data Confirmation window will open in Aeries for families to review contact information and complete important forms.

Early August

TK/K playdates & orientations at each site

Day before school starts

Classroom assignments available to view through Aeries Parent Portal for those who have completed Data Confirmation


Elementary School tours—please contact school for dates and times.

Albany Children's Center: (510) 559-6590

Cornell: (510) 558-3700

Marin: (510) 558-4700

Ocean View: (510) 558-4800


Middle School and High School Enrollment Timeline

(6th – 12th Grade) 

March 1

Middle and High School enrollment begins for students new to AUSD

May / June

Albany Middle School Orientation for new incoming students and a parent/guardian night for parents/guardians of incoming 6th graders.

Albany High School also holds a new student orientation. Contact counseling office for more information: (510) 558-2515


Data Confirmation window will open in Aeries for families to review contact information and complete important forms.



New Student Orientation and schedule pick-up, for those who have completed Data Confirmation, is a few days before school begins.


Call for information about school tours.

Albany Middle School: (510) 558-3600

Albany High School: (510) 558-2500


Albany Unified School District Office
Student Enrollment Center 
1216 Solano Ave
Albany, CA 94706
(510) 559-6590