Marin Rebuild » Marin Elementary School Rebuild

Marin Elementary School Rebuild

Marin Elementary was built in the mid-1970’s, several years before upgrades in the structural requirements for school buildings were announced by the State. The school was analyzed and peer reviewed to confirm the seismic deficiencies of the school. Plans were developed for this school site in 2015 with significant constraints placed on by the State. With the passage of Bond Measures B & E in 2016, there was an opportunity to redesigned Marin Elementary to further improve learning environments. Because of the need to provide temporary housing within the District for displaced classes, and because it was fiscally sound to rebuild Ocean View Elementary (a larger project) before Marin Elementary, it became the last of the four Measures B&E bond projects. In 2019 the design was reconsidered and new plans were drawn. 

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